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We know "How to Know"

Offering unbiased market analysis
Market Intelligence

Our agile tools are designed to accelerate investment and market expansion decisions across the world.

Through our partnerships and data collection, we will help you stay ahead of the curve in research, proactive in strategy, and successful in investment or expansion.

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Insights Platform

How can I learn from others?

Our AI platform reads through reports and segments by topic area, industry, region, and more. These pooled insights highlight opportunities, direct investment dollars, and inform investment promotion organizations on where their support is needed.

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Market Mapping

How can I find out the "who/what/where" in the current ecosystem?

Though primary and secondary research, including interviews with key experts in targeted markets, we develop highly visual qualitative and quantitative mappings of markets.

This information is used by ourselves or our clients to narrow in on strategic entry points and potential partners to enter markets poised for success.

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Expert Panels

How do I stay aware of opportunities?

Discovered Markets provides regular and ad-hoc market and partner assessments to identify opportunities based on market trends, input of local experts, and network mapping. Our first regular panel covers fintech regulation and trend updates in LATAM.

Business Design

Our mission is to help accelerate the time it takes for people around the world to get the products and services they want or need.

We expand your business faster, smarter, and with less risk.

Business Design

What is the model?

Emerging markets are often dynamic and fast growing ones. Consumers increasingly expect solutions relevant to their local needs. Our business experts and researchers will help design a path to market of locally-relevant offerings that will increase the chances of success.

Market Testing

How can I increase my chances of success?

We run in-country sales experiments with established partners, so you can validate demand while collecting key market information.

Get User insights before investing in expansion.

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Market Discovery

What opportunities are out there?

Discovered Markets examines your product offering and defines key territories in need of your products including market sizing, local distribution opportunities, and implementation recommendations.

Technical Assistance

We provide technical assistance to organizations to improve the enabling environment for investment, build the capacity of business partners to achieve and track impact objectives, and improve the market system around potential new businesses or investments.

Innovation Coaching

What if I need help along the way?

Experienced innovators know it is not their ideas that deliver game-changing innovations, but their ability to lead stakeholders in co-creating winning solutions. Let us be your guide as the team continues to build its solution with every interaction with the market.

Agile Culture Design

How do I build the right team?

Hiring business designers can get your new offering market ready, but an agile, innovative dedicated local team is needed speed its growth. We will help embed design methologies into the structure of your new organization.

Ecosystem Development

How do I improve the environment around an investment?

Building an investable market for the long haul means working with existing players and dedicated new entrants in a sustainable and systemic way. We identify those partners, devise community building and incentive programs, and support on-the-ground programs to build a market that investors want to be in. We work toward sustainable development.

Insights Optimization


Amplify is an insights optimization service specifically for economic growth programs that need to 1) build and distribute compelling content that ignites replication of business innovations and catalyzes investment and 2) learn from other economic growth programs to accelerate insights into results.

We've discovered new opportunities with our partners all over the globe

Let us be your guide to discovery

Partners in Discovery

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